Отрицательный подоходный налог
Доплаты тем членам общества, доход которых ниже установленного минимального уровня в рамках системы перераспределения доходов. Фактически отрицательный подоходный налог - это замена двух отдельных систем (прогрессивного налогообложения и социального обеспечения) единой системой. Налоги взимаются с тех граждан, чей доход выше установленного уровня. Гражданам, доход которых ниже этого уровня, выплачиваются компенсации (tax credits). Сторонники такой системы подчеркивают ее положительную роль в устранении «ловушки бедности» и придании большей гибкости рынкам труда. См. Poverty trap, Supply-side economics.

Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "NEGATIVE INCOME TAX" в других словарях:

  • negative income tax — ☆ negative income tax n. a proposed system of subsidy payments by the government to those whose annual income is below a certain level …   English World dictionary

  • Negative income tax — Part of a series on Government Public finance …   Wikipedia

  • negative income tax — A proposal to assist taxpayer with below subsistence level incomes. After filing a tax return, such persons would receive a subsidy to bring them up above the poverty level. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * negative income tax negative income …   Financial and business terms

  • negative income tax — NIT A means of targeting social security benefits to those most in need using the income tax system. After submitting an income tax return showing an income level below a set minimum, an individual would receive a direct subsidy from the tax… …   Accounting dictionary

  • negative income tax — NIT A means of targeting social security benefits to those most in need using the income tax system. After submitting an income tax return showing an income level below a set minimum, an individual would receive a direct subsidy from the tax… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Negative Income Tax — A taxation system where income subsidies are given to persons or families that are below the poverty line. The government will send financial aid to a person who files an income tax return reporting an income below a certain level …   Investment dictionary

  • negative income tax — neg′ative in′come tax n. ecn bus a system of income subsidy through which persons having less than a certain annual income receive money from the government rather than pay taxes to it • Etymology: 1965–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • negative (income) tax —    state payment to the poor    The proposition seems to have been first expounded by Milton Friedman under the title negative tax. An object would be to eliminate the present cumbersome methods of individual assessment and distribution of money… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • negative income tax — a system of income subsidy through which persons having less than a certain annual income receive money from the government rather than pay taxes to it. * * * …   Universalium

  • negative income tax — payment made by a country to a citizen in order to provide him with the minimum income …   English contemporary dictionary

  • negative income tax — noun Date: 1966 a system of federal subsidy payments to families with incomes below a stipulated level …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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